• I. Engage


      The public sector is made up of organizations that serve the public good. Like any other type of organization, the public sector relies on technology to complete its missions. However, public sector organizations have unique needs that must be met to ensure that critical services are delivered effectively.


      Uvation serves public sector organizations with critical IT services, including consulting, cybersecurity, and managed services. We help public organizations leverage the most innovative solutions, so they can be as secure and efficient as the most advanced private sector companies.

      I. Engage

      Standards and Regulatory Compliance...

      Public sector organizations are subject to a variety of laws and regulations, and they must meet stringent standards when it comes to data management. As a result, compliance is a top priority for public sector IT departments.

      Critical Infrastructure Security...

      Public sector organizations handle sensitive data and must take steps to protect it from unauthorized access. They must also be prepared to respond to cyber threats, as any interruption in services can result in a loss of services to the public.

      Scalable IT Solutions...

      Public sector organizations must be able to scale their IT infrastructure up as their needs change and the population grows. This requires dedicated planning as well as a strategy for selecting, securing, and implementing new technology solutions.

      II. Analyze


      Public sector organizations rely on many of the same state-of-the-art technologies as the private sector to complete their missions. That’s why they need managed services, technology resources, and IT consulting from an experienced service provider.


      Uvation can help public sector organizations by identifying their specific technology needs and developing a tailored plan to address them. We’ll also guide implementation and deliver ongoing services to support the organization’s mission.

      State-of-the-art solutions

      Technology analysis

      Implementation and management services

      Uvation can help public sector organizations meet their compliance obligations, implement security solutions, and manage their IT resources.

      III. Deliver


      Uvation can deliver a broad spectrum of solutions and processes to help public sector organizations improve their operations. These range from security services like SOC-as-a-service and incident response to transformative technologies like analytics, edge computing, and WebOps.


      We can also help the public sector access affordable computing resources, improve efficiency, and save on costs. Our global network of datacenters can deliver cloud services and help public organizations meet the future.

      Integrated security services

      Transformative technologies

      Cloud-based resources

      III. Deliver

      IV. Build


      Uvation recognizes that many public sector organizations are under pressure to modernize and expand their operations. Our solutions are both scalable and affordable, so they’re an ideal fit for future budgetary planning decisions.


      Once an organization’s initial solutions are deployed, Uvation can conduct regular assessments and recommend improvements. We’re constantly updating our capabilities so we can deliver the latest technologies to our clients.

      Public sector IT growth is projected to be less than


      per year

      IT business IT growth is projected to be as high as


      per year

      Public sector networks need to grow

      by 25%

      per year
