• I. Engage


      As financial firms grow their business, they face an increasingly active and complex ecosystem of cybersecurity threats. Expert organizations report these risks will only grow more sophisticated as cybercriminals gain access to more advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and other
      automated tools.


      Uvation is the cybersecurity leader for modern financial firms. Our focus on understanding the modern cybersecurity threat landscape unique to the finance industry helps us develop a strategic approach to cybersecurity capabilities. Through SOCaaS, SASE, and other managed services, we help firms build a foundation for cybersecurity, even if they don’t have substantial internal cybersecurity skill sets.

      I. Engage

      Understanding Modern Threats...

      Uvation helps financial firms build a deeper understanding of the modern cybersecurity threat landscape, including the motivations of cybercriminals and their techniques, tools, and procedures (TTPs). Our cybersecurity experts remain vigilant as new threats emerge, so you can be confident your firm is as prepared as possible.

      Supporting Decentralized Work Environments...

      As financial firms' workflows and how employees work continue to evolve, Uvation identifies and implements new cybersecurity technologies to support these changes. Our goal is to help firms strike the right balance between cybersecurity and business agility, so they can continue to grow their businesses without sacrificing security.

      Ensuring Compliance and Future Resilience...

      In addition to cybersecurity services, Uvation also helps financial firms with compliance reporting and related needs. Our goal is to help you not only meet current compliance requirements but also anticipate future changes, so you can build long-term preparedness into your cybersecurity program.

      II. Analyze


      Even small financial firms with a small team, a single person, or no person at all dedicated to cybersecurity can benefit from Uvation’s services. Our cybersecurity experts will work with you to understand your unique needs and develop a tailored solution that meets your specific requirements.
      We know that unlike companies in other industries, financial firms carry inherently sensitive data. Our cybersecurity experts have a deep understanding of data sensitivities in the finance industry, so you can be confident in your managed solution.

      Supplementing or substituting for internal cybersecurity expertise

      Helping firms adapt to changing employee locations and workflows

      Employing our familiarity with industry regulations and best practices

      With Uvation, you don’t need technologies from multiple cybersecurity partners. We provide the guidance, technology, and support you need to ensure that your cybersecurity program is always up to date.

      III. Deliver


      Uvation deploys and scales leading cybersecurity technologies to meet the needs of growing firms, including integrated security service edge (SASE) and other managed capabilities. Firms with hybrid workforces benefit from simple and secure private access, including two-factor authentication (2FA) and
      other access controls. Since our cybersecurity services are delivered through a global network of data centers, you can be confident your data is always available and protected. We constantly monitor regulatory changes in the financial services industry as well, ensuring you are always up-to-date on the
      latest compliance requirements.

      Securing devices, credentials, and data

      Employing leading authentication technologies

      Aligning with best practices and regulations

      III. Deliver

      IV. Build


      As your business grows, so too can your cybersecurity capabilities as we accommodate your needs based on your budget and workforce requirements. Our solutions are constantly evolving to meet the changing cybersecurity landscape, and we offer training and support so you can be confident in your
      firm’s cybersecurity resilience. You can continue to rely on our internal teams in the long-term as well, whether or not you choose to invest in your own internal cybersecurity teams and capabilities later. 25% of finance leaders claim “strengthening cyber security practices is the most important challenge their finance teams face today.”

      Single-vendor solutions provide

      significant operational efficiency and security effectiveness

      compared with best-of-breed solutions.

      Automation can

      reduce the financial toll of a

      breach by as much as 80%.
