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      How Computing Infrastructure Modernization Can Boost Your Business’s Competitive Edge

      Written by :
      Team Uvation
      | 7 minute read
      |March 29, 2024 |
      Category : Infrastructure
      How Computing Infrastructure Modernization Can Boost Your Business’s Competitive Edge

      In an era where technology advances at a breakneck speed, businesses face the constant challenge of staying relevant and competitive. One of the key aspects that can significantly influence a company’s ability to keep pace with computing infrastructure modernization. 


      Aging systems and outdated software not only impede productivity but could potentially become a financial drain, with higher maintenance costs and lower efficiency. This has become a significant problem. According to a report by IBM, a Forrester study found that 70% of organizations had delayed infrastructure refreshes at least a few times in the previous five years or more.


      Here, we’ll delve into how modernizing your computing infrastructure — encompassing end-user computers, servers, storage systems, operating systems, databases, middleware, and ERP systems — can provide a much-needed boost to your competitive edge and set your business on the path to success.


      Enhance Agility and Efficiency with Computing Infrastructure Modernization


      Modernized computing infrastructure can significantly enhance a business’s agility. Agility, in this context, refers to the ability of a company to quickly adapt to market changes or shifts in business strategy. 


      Up-to-date systems enable businesses to swiftly implement new technologies, applications, or infrastructures as per evolving business needs. This leads to quicker decision-making, faster time-to-market, and improved capacity to respond to changes in the competitive landscape.


      Faster Processing and Automation 


      When it comes to efficiency, modernizing computing infrastructure can lead to dramatic improvements. Aging systems are often plagued with slow processing times, frequent downtime, and high maintenance costs, which can drain resources and hinder productivity. 


      By contrast, modern systems can handle larger volumes of data, perform tasks more quickly, and work seamlessly with the latest software applications. This leads to increased productivity, reduced operational costs, and ultimately, a healthier bottom line.


      In addition, the use of modernized infrastructure often comes together with automation. Automating repetitive tasks can free up human resources, enabling them to focus on more strategic initiatives. This not only boosts efficiency but also increases job satisfaction and employee retention. 


      Build Better Customer Experiences with Computing Infrastructure Modernization


      Modern computing infrastructure plays an instrumental role in enhancing customer experience, which is a critical differentiator in today’s competitive business landscape. 


      For businesses, the customer experience is no longer merely about providing a product or a service. It’s about delivering a seamless, personalized, and fast experience at every touchpoint. Up-to-date computing infrastructure enables businesses to meet these expectations by streamlining processes, improving response times, and personalizing experiences.


      Effective Customer Data Management


      For instance, a modernized infrastructure supports efficient data management. As businesses today deal with an overwhelming amount of data — from customer preferences and buying behavior to feedback — they need sophisticated tools and systems to manage, analyze, and make sense of this data. 


      By leveraging a modernized infrastructure, businesses can harness the power of data analytics to gain insights into customer needs and behaviors and use these insights to deliver personalized experiences. This empowers them to anticipate customer needs, enhance customer satisfaction, and foster loyalty.


      Faster Customer Response Times


      Moreover, an updated computing infrastructure allows businesses to improve their response time. In an era where customers expect instant responses, slow-loading websites or apps, and sluggish customer service can be detrimental. However, with a modern infrastructure, businesses can ensure that their digital platforms are fast, reliable, and always available. This not only minimizes frustration for customers but also builds their trust in the brand.


      Empower Employees to Be More Productive with Computing Infrastructure Modernization


      Modernized computing infrastructure can have a profound impact on an organization’s workforce, empowering employees to be more productive and efficient in their roles. However, too many businesses have outdated infrastructure in place, which hampers employee productivity.


      According to one study, almost half of knowledge workers in the US, UK, the Netherlands, and Germany struggle to be productive because of outdated workplace technology.


      A key aspect of this empowerment involves providing tools and resources that streamline tasks, foster collaboration, and support creativity.


      Task Management


      Streamlining tasks through automation and improved system performance can free up employees from routine and manual tasks, allowing them to focus on more substantive, value-adding work. By reducing the time spent on tasks like data entry or system maintenance, employees can devote more time and energy to strategic initiatives that push the business forward. 


      Thanks to modern systems’ data processing capabilities, employees can work with large data sets and complex analytics tools with ease.




      In addition to streamlining tasks, advanced computing infrastructure also fosters collaboration. Modern collaborative tools such as shared documents, virtual whiteboards, and video conferencing software are supported by robust computing infrastructure. 


      These tools not only make it easier for employees to collaborate but also make remote work more efficient and convenient. As a result, employees feel more connected with their teams and are more motivated to contribute their best work.




      Finally, a state-of-the-art computing infrastructure can support creativity and innovation. By providing access to the latest software and technologies, companies can empower their employees to develop new ideas, experiment with new approaches, and ultimately drive innovation. 


      Machine learning tools, for example, can enable employees to predict trends and make data-driven decisions, while virtual reality technologies can facilitate immersive training experiences.


      Foster Innovation with Computing Infrastructure Modernization


      Modernizing computing infrastructure can significantly stimulate innovation within a company. A robust and modern infrastructure provides the necessary groundwork for the exploration and execution of cutting-edge technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and blockchain. These technologies have the potential to redefine business models, create new products and services, and open up new market opportunities.


      AI has emerged as a transformative technology that can revolutionize various aspects of a business. However, AI applications and models require a significant amount of computational power and data storage capacity. 


      According to S&P Global’s 2023 Global Trends in AI report, more than half of AI decision-makers in top companies are facing cost barriers to deploying the latest AI tools. The study found that outdated data infrastructure is having “a direct, negative impact” on companies’ ability to “achieve enterprise-scale AI deployment and to use AI sustainably.”


      A modernized infrastructure, equipped with high-performance servers, advanced processors, and ample storage, can effectively cater to these requirements, thereby facilitating the seamless execution of AI models. 


      Improve Security and Compliance with Computing Infrastructure Modernization


      In today’s digital landscape, enhancing security and ensuring compliance with regulations are paramount. A modernized computing infrastructure significantly contributes to strengthening these aspects.


      Reduce Vulnerabilities 


      Updating networks, systems, and software not only mitigates the risk of cyber threats but also helps maintain security. Aging systems often have known vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit. Modern systems, on the other hand, have robust security measures in place and receive regular security updates, making them less susceptible to breaches. 


      Advanced Security


      Moreover, a modern infrastructure can support advanced security tools and practices, such as encryption, two-factor authentication, and intrusion detection systems. Implementing these tools can provide an additional layer of defense, protecting sensitive business and customer data from unauthorized access.


      Simpler Data Compliance


      In terms of compliance, many industries are subject to regulations that require them to protect customer data and maintain certain security standards. A modern computing infrastructure can help businesses meet these requirements. 


      It enables companies to manage and control their data more effectively, conduct audits with ease, and demonstrate compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). 


      Start Upgrading Your Systems Today


      Not only are there clear benefits to upgrading your organization’s computing infrastructure, but doing so could significantly reduce your company’s risk from cyber threats, loss of productivity, and an inability to compete based on technology innovation.


      To learn more about how you can upgrade your company’s infrastructure, contact us at Uvation today.


      Transformation and Modernization

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