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      Automating Enterprise Networks through Managed Network Operations

      Written by :
      Rand Uvation
      | 7 minute read
      |May 2, 2024 |
      Category : Infrastructure
      Automating Enterprise Networks through Managed Network Operations

      Network operations form the lifeblood of modern enterprises, enabling communication, data exchange, and business transactions. But as technology evolves and networks grow more complex, the need for efficient management becomes more pronounced. In response, enterprises are increasingly turning to automation in managed network operations to streamline operations and enhance performance.



      Now, 100% of IT organizations are using commercial network automation tools, where 42% already use three such tools and 23% already use four or more, Networkworld reports. This trend highlights the importance of automation in managed services for dynamic and complex enterprise networks.



      This article provides a comprehensive overview of the role of automation in streamlining network operations in managed networks, offering insights into its benefits, implementation strategies, real-world applications, and future developments.


      Understanding Network Automation in Modern Enterprise Environments


      Network automation is the process of configuring, managing, testing, and operating network devices utilizing automation in software. It can include a range of different methodologies, from simple scripting to complex predictive analytics and adaptive learning systems.



      “[Automation is] essential to enhance network management, ensure scalability and security, and optimize performance through reduced downtime and disruptions and increased visibility and control over network resources,” McKinsey describes. Organizations can automate “repetitive and mundane tasks, freeing up IT resource capacity to focus on more-strategic initiatives.”



      That’s because traditional network operations involve labor-intensive, manually-driven processes, where IT professionals carry out configurations, maintenance, and troubleshooting tasks. Although this model has been essential to enterprise network operations historically, its limitations are becoming increasingly evident in high-demand enterprise digital environments. Inefficiencies such as human error, low agility in adapting to changes, and high labor costs led the industry to seek more innovative solutions.



      Despite these limitations, more than 65% of enterprise network activities are still performed manually, Spiceworks reports. Hence the need for automated systems: they can handle repetitive tasks with precision and can scale to meet the demands of larger and more complex network infrastructures. The growing adoption of managed network operations featuring automation marks a significant pivot towards more resilient, efficient, and scalable network infrastructures.  “The numbers reflect the increasing reliance on automation tools to manage complex network environments, a trend that is only expected to accelerate,” as Networkworld reports.


      Artificial Intelligence in Managed Network Operations


      Artificial Intelligence (AI) — perhaps today’s most advanced form of automation — is among the technologies transforming managed network operations, delivering unmatched efficiency and predictive power. By integrating AI, network management evolves from basic automation to intelligent, self-optimizing systems. AI-driven solutions analyze vast network datasets to predict issues and suggest optimizations, reducing downtime and improving service quality. Through AI, managed network operations move from static automation to dynamic, adaptive environments.



      AI enhances network operations with cognitive processing capabilities once out of reach. It automates complex problem-solving and decision-making, freeing network professionals to concentrate on strategy rather than routine tasks. Thus, AI is revolutionizing managed network operations, paving the way for more resilient, adaptable, and intelligent networks.


      Benefits of Automation in Managed Network Operations


      While transitioning to managed network operations can be daunting, the benefits of incorporating automation make it a worthwhile venture. Here we explore some of those benefits in greater detail, with professional insights on how they deliver results.


      Efficiency Gains


      Automating repetitive tasks means that IT teams can focus on higher-value activities. With network automation, the possibility of human error dwindles, leading to more consistent and efficient management processes across the board.


      Improved Reliability


      Automation can also lead to better reliability and resilience in network management. By implementing processes that automatically validate network changes, businesses can quickly identify issues and prevent service disruptions before they occur.


      Cost Savings


      Reducing dependence on manual labor translates to cost savings for businesses. It’s not just the direct labor costs saved; it’s also the reduced likelihood of costly errors and the ability to more accurately forecast and manage IT budgets.


      Enhanced Security


      Another significant benefit of network automation is the ability to enforce security policies across the network consistently. Automated systems can continuously monitor network activity, identify potential threats, and respond with appropriate measures, reducing the window of vulnerability.


      Real-World Applications of Automation in Managed Network Operations


      Successful applications of automation in managed network operations are already transforming the industry. Here is a closer look at how automation in managed network automations is driving results in three verticals.


      Financial Services


      In the financial sector,  network downtime can lead to significant losses, making automation a critical component of business continuity. Network automation tools are helping financial institutions ensure uptime and optimize their networks for high-performance and secure transactions.




      In the healthcare industry, automated network operations enable the rapid deployment of new applications and technologies while maintaining compliance with regulations such as HIPAA. Automation also plays a vital role in securing sensitive patient data and protecting against cyber attacks.




      In the manufacturing industry, where efficiency is crucial, automation in network operations enables real-time monitoring of production networks. It also automates maintenance processes to minimize downtime and reduce costs while optimizing performance for maximum output.


      Adopting and Implementing Automation in Managed Network Operations


      Adopting managed network operations with automation is a critical shift for enterprise companies looking to enhance their network efficiency and reliability. Here are four pivotal steps to guide enterprises through this transformation successfully.


      Step 1: Assess Your Current Network Infrastructure


      Begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your existing network infrastructure to identify areas that can benefit the most from automation. This will help in prioritizing tasks that should be automated first, based on their impact on operational efficiency and potential ROI.


      Step 2: Define Clear Objectives for Automation


      Set specific, measurable objectives for what you aim to achieve with automation. These goals could range from reducing downtime, managing network traffic more effectively, to improving security posture. Clear objectives will guide your automation strategy and help measure its success.


      Step 3: Choose the Right Automation Tools


      Select tools that align with your network requirements and automation objectives. Consider factors such as compatibility with your current systems, scalability, ease of use, and the level of support provided by the vendor. A meticulous selection process ensures that the tools will effectively address your needs.


      Step 4: Train Your Team and Implement Gradually


      Prepare your team for the shift to automated operations by providing comprehensive training on the selected tools and processes. Start with implementing automation in less critical areas to allow your team to get comfortable with the new technology. Gradually expand its use across more critical network functions as confidence and proficiency grow.


      The Future of Network Automation and Managed Network Automation


      Enterprise leaders and IT decision makers should anticipate automation in managed network operations to become commonplace — one Fortune 500 media company claims their third-party network automation tools can already meet about 80% of their needs, Networkworld reports.


      As more businesses adopt these capabilities, a set of best practices and industry-wide standards will emerge. This standardization will make it easier for businesses to implement network automation and will foster a competitive, innovative marketplace.


      Partner with Uvation for Managed Network Operations


      Partnering with Uvation for your managed network operations ensures access to cutting-edge technology and expert guidance, designed to augment your network’s efficiency and security. Contact Uvation today to learn how our tailored automation solutions can transform your network operations and drive your business forward.



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