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      Innovating Design and Creativity in Architectural Engineering with Leading IT Solutions

      Written by :
      Team Uvation
      | 11 minute read
      |June 28, 2022 |
      Category : Information Technology
      Innovating Design and Creativity in Architectural Engineering with  Leading IT Solutions

      Information technology (IT) is critical to the evolution of architectural engineering. “[Modern architecture] uses technology—both in the process of designing and in its products—to achieve certain functional, cultural, social, economic, and other goals,” says Yehuda E. Kalay from the Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley. “The efficiency, control, and intelligence made possible by computational tools are increasingly essential to architectural practices.”


      Architectural firms use IT hardware and services to reduce redundancies, automate key processes, and support creative and scientific capabilities. Now, IT is supporting new ways of looking at how physical space can be used in architectural designs, including creating the technologically advanced buildings of the future.


      This article discusses the transformation of IT capabilities in architectural engineering over recent years. We also provide insights into how leveraging IT partnerships can help architectural engineering firms advance their capabilities and the field in the years to come.


      The Evolution of Technology-Aided Architecture


      The first computers in architectural engineering firms were used in the 1960s for basic calculation and drafting tasks, which were previously done by hand. In the 1970s, sophisticated firms began using computer-aided design (CAD) for more complex projects. The 1980s saw the introduction of computer-aided engineering (CAE), which allowed for sophisticated analyses of architectural designs. And in the 1990s, building information modeling (BIM) was introduced, which revolutionized the way architects and engineers collaborate on projects. BID allows for a three-dimensional representation of a building or other physical space that can be used to plan, design, construct, and operate a facility. Serious pilots of BIM began in the early 2000s, during which time the technology became more broadly accepted by authorities worldwide.


      Today, IT applications are used throughout the architectural engineering process, from initial concept design to construction and operations. Architectural engineers use IT applications to model proposed designs, simulate how those designs will perform, and track progress during and upon their construction. Increasingly, IT applications help architectural teams confirm proper energy management use and proper building-system functionality once a facility is operational as well.


      Firms that have adopted innovative IT solutions have seen increased efficiency and productivity, as well as improved communication and collaboration among team members. That’s because “information technology, while providing extensive facilities to architects, saves time and money and reduces the incidence of human error,” as one industry journal describes. The world’s most technologically advanced architectural engineering firms are using IT solutions to create the smart buildings of the future. These firms are constantly innovating and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with architectural design.


      Recent Digital Capabilities Driving Modern Architectural Design


      IT in architectural engineering continues to evolve, with new applications and capabilities being introduced all the time. Here are some of the latest IT trends that are transforming architectural engineering, and will continue to do so in the years to come.


      Cloud Computing: Cloud computing allows architectural engineers to store, access, and manage data and applications over the internet instead of on computer hardware. Architectural firms use cloud-based solutions for project management, collaboration, and document storage. For example, Cloud-based BIM platforms allow architectural firms to manage all aspects of a project in one place, from design and construction to operations.
      Big Data: “Big Data” refers to the massive amounts of data that organizations collect about their customers, operations, and products. Today’s architectural firms use this data to improve their understanding of building performance and to make better decisions about design and construction. For example, firms are using data from weather sensors to design more energy-efficient buildings.
      Internet of Things (IoT): IoT refers to the network of physical objects that are connected to the internet and can collect and share data. Architectural firms are using IoT sensors to monitor building performance and improve energy efficiency. For example, sensors can be used to track occupancy levels and adjust lighting and HVAC systems accordingly.
      Virtual Reality (VR): Architectural firms are using VR to create immersive experiences for their clients and employees. For example, firms can use VR to give clients a tour of a proposed design or to train employees on how to operate new building systems.


      Today, innovative IT solutions are supporting more efficient and productive architectural firms, as well as better-designed buildings. Architectural educators are using technology to give students a more immersive and hands-on learning experience as well. For example, many architectural programs now include BIM and CAD courses, which allow students to design and build virtual models of proposed designs. Educators may also use VR tools to give architectural engineering students tours of existing buildings.


      Innovative IT Solutions Shaping the Future of Architectural Engineering


      The rapid pace of digital transformation in the IT field has allowed architectural engineers to take dramatic steps forward in their methods, yielding some of the most innovative and breathtaking architectural designs today. Here are some of the IT tools that are transforming the field.


      Augmented Reality (AR): AR is a digital imaging technology that overlays digital information in the real world. architectural firms are using AR to create interactive experiences for clients and students and to associate critical design information with physical spaces in practical ways. For example, firms can use AR to show clients how a proposed design will look in its actual location; they can display important measurements or other information as viewers look at existing structures as well.
      Building Analytics: Building analytics is a way of using data to understand how buildings are performing. This is especially critical as buildings become “smarter” (i.e., more digitally enabled and connected). Architectural firms are using building analytics to improve their understanding of building systems and make better decisions about design and construction. For example, firms are using data from weather sensors to design more energy-efficient buildings.
      Generative Design: Generative design is a type of computer-aided design that uses algorithms to generate design solutions. There are applications for generative design across creative fields; this includes architectural engineering, where firms are using generative design to create unique custom designs for their clients. For example, firms can use generative design to create unique facades for buildings.


      These transformative technologies are helping architectural engineers create some of the most captivating and future-focused designs of today. Generative Design aided Foster and Partners in the creation of the Queen Elizabeth II Great Court, for example. These technologies will be critical in the production of the smart buildings of the future as well.


      Ensuring Successful IT Adoption at Your Architectural Engineering Firm



      There are real competitive risks among architectural engineering firms that are not investing in innovative IT solutions. But strategic efforts now can help you keep your architectural firm ahead of the curve. The following are steps architectural engineering leaders should take to ensure their adoption of leading IT solutions.


      Partner with an experienced IT consultant who understands the architectural engineering field and can help you identify which solutions are right for your firm. Implementing new IT solutions can be a complex process, so it’s important to work with someone who can help you navigate decision-making and implementation processes.
      Educate yourself and your team on the latest IT advancements and how they can be used in architectural engineering. Start by attending conferences, reading trade publications, and taking advantage of online resources. Work with your IT consultant by sharing what you want to accomplish with any new IT investments your are considering as well.
      Develop a plan for IT adoption and implementation. Once you’ve identified the IT solutions you want to adopt, you must develop a plan for how you’ll implement them. Work with your team and your partner to create a timeline and identify the resources you’ll need. Be sure to include a plan for training your team on how to use the new IT solutions.
      Create a budget for IT adoption and implementation. Investing in new IT solutions can be costly, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of the costs involved. Work with your partner to create a budget for IT adoption and make sure to include costs for training, hardware, software, and support.
      Implement a change management plan to ensure the successful adoption of new IT solutions by your team. Change can be difficult, so it’s important to have a plan in place to help your team adjust to the new IT solutions. Work with your partner to identify any potential barriers to adoption and create a plan to overcome them.
      Execute your plan and monitor your progress. Once you’ve developed and implemented your plan, it’s important to monitor your progress. Be sure to keep track of the metrics you defined in your plan. Adjust your plan as needed to ensure the successful adoption of new IT solutions by your architectural engineering firm.


      In nearly every case, finding the right IT partner is essential for architectural firms that want to adopt leading IT solutions. The right partner will serve as a consultant and long-term confidant, offering architectural firms the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are making the best IT decisions for their business.


      Choose Technology That Supports Human Imagination


      As the world of architectural engineering evolves, so too must the architectural firms that support it. But technology for technology’s sake isn’t the right approach. Leaders must lean into the creative capabilities of their staff and continue to invest in tools that can successfully translate human imagination into meaningful design.


      Technology-aided architectural engineering can do even more, helping teams engage with some of the world’s biggest challenges—environmental, economic, and social—through the innovative design of homes, offices, and industrial structures. As Kalay describes, “Schools of architecture… have the responsibilities of understanding these changes, and guiding them, while educating new generations of architects who will use these methods, tools, and practices to change the environment in which we live.”


      Partner with Uvation for Solutions That Drive Creativity and Results

      Uvaiton provides the technology insights, resources, and implementation guidance architectural engineering leaders need to drive the greatest creativity and value from their staff. Contact one of our IT experts today to learn how Uvation works with architectural engineering firms for their long-term success.


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      These steps can serve as starting points for your own efforts. However, the specific details of each step are highly dependent on your internal goals and resources. Ensure you have the right team and partnerships in place to get the best results.


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      At Uvation, we take proactive steps for life sciences and biotech companies in terms of threat awareness, technology advances, and best practices for security success. Contact one of our cybersecurity experts today for a free consultation.


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